

Developing Leaders For The Next Level

Lakeside Leadership Academy

The Lakeside Leadership Academy (LLA) is a one-year leadership program. Here at Lakeside, we are committed to developing the next wave of leaders. You will have relevant teaching taught by our very own pastors and staff, as well as LLA Alumni. We want to equip and empower those who aspire to increase their leadership abilities and ministry experience.

We will be giving instruction in the following areas over a two-semester program inSpring and Fall each year:

Culture and Fundamentals - See Semester 1

Practical Ministry | Leadership Development

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Culture & Fundamentals

The first semester of  LLA is all about learning the culture of the Lakeside Church. This semester gives students the opportunity to understand the who, what, and why of Lakeside.

Session 1: Love God/Love People
Session 2: Pursue Excellence/Serve with Joy
Session 3: Faith/Family
Session 4: Freedom/Fulfillment
Session 5: Son/Daughter of the House
Session 6: Teachability & Flexibility
Session 7: Trust & Honor
Session 8: Healthy Conflict & Work Ethic
Session 9: Sacrifice & Attractive Spirituality
Session 10: Spirit Soul & Body
Session 11: Resilience & Adaptation
Session 12: Lakeside Staff Culture

Practical Ministry/Leadership Development

Practical ministries prepare leaders to serve in real-world settings within a life-giving church by applying pastoral and administrative techniques for ministry leadership in today’s setting. You will find your personal and spiritual gifts and see the best way to utilize them. 

Session 1: Practical Overview
Session 2: Personality/Leadership Design (DISC) Analysis / Plug into ministry where you
are passionate.
Session 3: Self-Centeredness
Session 4: Spiritual Gifts
Session 5: Task Management Efficiency
Session 6: Traction – Define the Win / Why
Session 7: Personal Intercommunication
Session 8: Written Communication
Session 9: Verbal Communication – Intro
Session 10: Verbal Communication – Delivery
Session 11: Verbal Communication – Actual (Part 1)
Session 12: Verbal Communication – Actual (Part 2)








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